DDXG anniversary

Radio amateurs around the world can obtain an anniversary award by having contacts using CW, Phone or Digital modes with SES OZ5ØDDXG during 2022.
The anniversary call sign may be contacted once a month, on each band and with each modulation type. Each approved contact counts 1 point. The award can be sent by e-mail (free of charge) or by post for 10 USD. Application is sent, including a list of all contacts as well as time, fashion and band for each, to award manager OZ4CG Carsten – The deadline for diploma applications is December 31, 2023.
GOLD: 6 points on at least 3 different bands
SILVER: 4 points on at least 2 different bands
BRONZE: 2 points on at least 2 different bands.
Prize for the participant with the most points among the DX stations
GOLD: 12 points on at least 4 different bands
SILVER: 9 points on at least 3 different bands
BRONZE: 5 points on at least 2 different bands.
Prize for the participant with the most points among the EU stations
GOLD: 13 points on at least 5 different bands
SILVER: 10 points on at least 4 different bands
BRONZE: 6 points on at least 3 different bands.
Prize for the participant with the most points among the OZ stations
Questions to
Diploma information from
QSL information at
73 de OZ1IKY Kenneth, DDXG President