July 1, 2024, to Dec 31, 2024
Special call to commemorate the 100-th anniversary of
the first amateur radio activity from the city of Lviv.
The first ever amateur radio QSO from the ancient city of Lviv was made by Polish engineer Jan Zembickii n 1924. He used the spark gap transmitter, detector radio receiver with coherer and the loop antenna. Zembicki has chosen the callsign LW3 as there were no frequency and callsign country allocations at that time.
Radio communication experiments then attracted a large number of enthusiasts and in 1926 Jan Zembicki has founded the LKK – "Lwowski Klub Krotkofalowcow", which became the sixth in the whole Europe.
This special memorial station will be active from July 1 to December 31, 2024.
The "100 YEARS ON THE AIR" memorial award to commemorate the 100-th anniversary of
this first amateur radio activity from the city of Lviv is available to all radio amateurs.
The award is issued by: LKK – Lviv SHORTWAVE Club.
To qualify the applicant has to prove making two-way contacts with Lviv region amateurs from July 1, 2024, to Dec 31, 2024, on different amateur bands (1.8 - 432 MHz) using different modes of emission and must score 10 points:
- QSOs on HF (1.8 – 28 MHz) counts 1 (one) point
- QSOs on VHF (50 – 432 MHz) counts 2 (two) points
- QSOs with memorial station EM100WJZ counts 5 (five) points.
Basic Award Rules.
Contacts have to be made from any location in the same DXCC entity.
Contacts have to be made from any location in the same DXCC entity.
Credit will be given for two-way contacts on the same mode and band (one QSO per band, regardless of mode), i.e. no cross-mode or cross-band QSOs.
Contacts through active repeaters are not valid.
All call signs of Lviv and Lviv region have the first letter of the postfix "W".
For example: UT4WA UW3WF UR4WZZ etc
Please send plain text applications listing QSO data to ur5whq@ukr.net
Please send plain text applications listing QSO data to ur5whq@ukr.net
Each application must include the following signed declaration:
"I declare that all the contacts were made by me from the same DXCC entity under the terms of my radio transmitting license".
"I declare that all the contacts were made by me from the same DXCC entity under the terms of my radio transmitting license".
Award price.
The "100 YEARS ON THE AIR" memorial award is free. Electronic PDF versions will be sent to applicants by e-mail.