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MST Rules
Times: Every Monday: 1300-1400Z and 1900-2000Z
Every Tuesday: 0300-0400Z
Code Speed: Please keep speeds at 20-25wpm and be willing to reduce your speed on request.
Power Levels: QRP (5W or less), LP (6W-100W), HP (Over 100W- maximum allowed for your station)
Frequencies: in KHZ. ICWC is following the bands plans of IARU.
160m: 1812-1828
80m: 3528-3550
40m: **See below for QRP frequency
7025-7040 in IARU region 1 (Europe, Africa, ME, North Asia)
7028-7050 in IARU region 2 (The Americas)
7015-7029 in IARU region 3 (S. Asia, E. Asia, Pacific)
20m: 14028-14050
15m: 21028-21050
10m: 28028-28050
**All IARU regions respect the QRP frequency of 7030 +/- 0.5khz where any running station (calling CQ) should be at 5 watts maximum
Exchange: Name and QSO serial number
Scoring: To be submitted to website without logs. Keep logs available in your station.
The final score can be calculated by counting 1 point per QSO (work a station once per band only) and multiplying total points by the number of unique callsigns worked. Example:
If you had 75 QSOs on all bands with 40 unique call signs, your score is 75 x 40 = 3000.
State which power class: QRP, LP, HP and check SO2R and/or remote operation if applicable.
N1MM UDC information (ICWC MST 2022 5-02) can be found here using this link:
Award Certificates: At the end of each calendar year ICWC will award participation certificates calculated as follows:
1 point is awarded for each MST you participate in.
Reward Levels:
Gold level: 100 points
Silver level: 70 points
Bronze level: 40 points
To request your reward, please click HERE and send us an email.
Here are the first certificates issued for 2022: